Suniti Maria Jurado

Master of Reiki Usui, Karuna, Shamballa and Unitario

I started to do Reiki 17 years ago, initciated in AlicanteBali and Norway by a Brazilian Master.

Practicing with individual sessions and Iniciating people to Reiki in groups in AlicanteMadrid and Barcelona.

Facilitator of Active Meditations in the Hotel Alamo in Alicante, in Paris in Dance Marais and nowadays in De Ceglie STUDIO inMadrid.

During 3 years I  assisted to retreats with Vasant Swaha,  a Osho disciple, were I have been trained. Practicing Active meditations, Vippasana, Rebirthing, Family constellations, Satori groups, chanting Mantras, Sufi teachings, Za Zen meditations …

For a while I was disciple of Maharajji in Richikech (India).
I have assisted to an intensive with Amma in New York.

I have asisted to Tantra groups with Daniel Odier, Astiko and Elma Roura.

Assisted a womb surround process with Ray Castellino in USA.

Nowadays I assist Satsang with Wayne Liquorman, Gangaji , Jeff Foster , Mooji , Advaita teaching or Nondualism.

What most has helped me to grow and evolve is the presence of my masters.

I’m interested in sharing and initiating people to Reiki because it has been the opening door for me to the spiritual world, to healing, to the connexion with consciousness. And it is still today.

My personal experience with Reiki:

Every session is totally different, I don’t follow any order to were I put my hands, I let them go were they need to go.

During the sessions different things have been detected, like problems with organs, contractures, emotions that free up or even in another layer presences that accompany the patient or that are there for a reason.

Reiki does not only work in this dimension , it seams very subtle but it goes deep, the body guide us to places were consciousness is working.

I use symbols that come form ancestral times, Lemunia, Atlantes, Shamballa, Japaness, Tibetans.

Sometimes I use sounds if it’s necessary, music with Tibetans bowls o crystal quartz, the vibration of the sound is very powerful.

As a healer I act as a channel so the energy can flow were the patient needs it. 

Its very effective heal physically, for emotional attachments, addictions ( drugs, tobacco, antidepressants) insomnia, to have a deep relaxation, to balance the body-mind… to connect with your essence. To connect with what we are, light.

I would love to be able to guide you through your trip towards healing, towards your self.